Emily Shuman

Rocky Mountain ADA Center


Emily Shuman is the parent of a transgender child, and the Director of the Rocky Mountain ADA Center (RMADAC). Working for the Center since 2018, Ms. Shuman leads the Center's staff and operations and is responsible for ensuring the objectives of the organization are met. She mentors RMADAC’s staff to ensure they deliver on the center’s mission to supply informative technical assistance, customized training, helpful materials, and practical research. She works with the ADA National Network and other Regional Directors to improve operational practices and expand ADA Network services. She serves as the Center's spokesperson and works with the media to promote awareness and implementation of the ADA. As a person with multiple hidden disabilities, Emily is passionate about empowering businesses and individuals to understand their rights and responsibilities under the ADA. Before joining RMADAC, Shuman spent four years in workforce development, serving Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act recipients as a program manager. She specialized in educating youth with disabilities on their ADA employment rights. Shuman also facilitated compliance with ADA Title II responsibilities for youth requiring reasonable modifications to access workforce services. Prior to those roles, she spent three years as a program supervisor for adults with developmental disabilities living in host homes under an HCBS waiver.

Session History

11/23/2021 - Creating Accessible Digital Documents