Elisha Luyeho

Lead Airport Accessibility Compliance Specialist
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)


Elisha Luyeho is the Lead Airport Accessibility Compliance Specialist in the FAA Office of Civil Rights Airport Disability Compliance Program. He is responsible for overseeing compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act at airports within the FAA Southern. His responsibilities include providing accessibility technical assistance and training, investigating complaints of discrimination based on disability. In addition, he leads the nationwide airport disability compliance review program.

Mr. Luyeho has a Master of Science degree in Aviation and Transportation. He has been involved in the aviation industry for about 19 years, including working with the FAA Air Traffic Organization Runway Safety Program Office.

Mr. Luyeho previously served as an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Specialist in the FAA EEO program, providing guidance to managers and employees on Title-VII matters related to employment.