Julie Ballinger

Southwest ADA Center


For over 35 years, Julie Ballinger has worked in the Disability Rights field providing leadership, innovative endeavors, technical assistance (TA), and training. Julie directed a Center for Independent Living (CILs are community-based non-profits that provide empowering services to people with various disabilities and are designed and operated by people with disabilities). She also worked for the University of Arkansas providing technical assistance to CILs in two federal regions. As a Southwest ADA Center (SWADAC) Affiliate, her work includes free ADA in-depth training, technical assistance, ADA best practice approaches, and disability awareness/issues concerning employment, state/local government obligations, and business/nonprofit requirements. Julie, in particular, has focused on providing training and TA to the correctional and court systems the past 7 years. As part of the federally funded ADA National Network, SWADAC provides free training, publications, and technical assistance. To learn more contact Julie at juliedDallinger@outlook.com / (505)797.8612 or go to www.southwestada.org.