Juliette Sterkens

U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)


Juliette Sterkens, AuD recently retired from her private audiology practice in Oshkosh, WI to volunteer as the National Hearing Loop Advocate for the Hearing Loss Association of America.In this capacity she presents at professional conferences and consumer events on the benefits and the use of hearing aids and hearing loops. Her efforts have leveraged over 300 induction hearing loops in Wisconsin and many more beyond. Dr. Sterkens holds a degree in speech,language pathology and audiometry from the Hogeschool in Hoensbroeck, the Netherlands, a Master's Degree in Audiology from University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and a Doctor of Audiology degree from Arizona School of Health Sciences. For her efforts she has received several awards including the Wisconsin Audiologist of the Year, the American Academy of Audiology Presidential Award, the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the Arizona School of Health Sciences and the Larry Mauldin Award from Beltone which is part of the GN ReSound group.She is the creator of www.loopwisconsin.com an informational website for consumers, AV specialists and hearing care professionals.