Howard Kallem

Chief Regional Attorney
Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, D.C. Enforcement Office


Howard Kallem has been the Chief Regional Attorney for the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, D.C. Enforcement Office for 10 years and, before that, was in OCR's policy office for 4 years. He recently took a year off from OCR to work as a Senior Equal Opportunity Specialist with George Mason University's Office of Equity and Diversity Services. Previously, he was with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for 14 years. He has worked extensively with issues such as sexual and racial harassment, testing, and meeting the needs of students with disabilities. In his few spare moments, he is involved with PTA activities and has served as a Commissioner and Vice Chair of the Arlington County, Virginia, Human Rights Commission. He received his law degree from Catholic University of America.