Shelia S Newman

Vice President


Shelia Newman is Vice President of CESSI, a small business with first handknowledge in removing barriers to employment. CESSI provides a wide range ofeducation, training, and technical assistance to clients on the subject ofrecruiting, hiring, promoting, and accommodating people with disabilities.Ms. Newman, who has a Master's degree in rehabilitation counseling,recognized the opportunity more than 15 years ago and developed the businessniche of helping the Federal government and private companies employ andaccommodate disabled individuals. CESSI, owned by a disabled Vietnamveteran who is a former prisoner of war, practices what it teaches as morethan 20% of its workforce is disabled. Ms. Newman is very experienced atproviding successful accommodations to these employees. Ms. Newman has 25 years experience in managing contracts related to health,disability, and social policy for Federal government clients and for privatesector clients doing business with the Federal government. Ms. Newman is responsible for program management, marketing, corporatestrategic planning, and business development. She is responsible for allhiring decisions for CESSI and has fiscal responsibility for more than 19current contracts. Currently, Ms. Newman is providing project direction and management supportto a variety of CESSI contracts in excess of $10 million. Ms. Newman's andCESSI's success, management style and business ethics have been favorablydepicted in a college management textbook, on a ABC business televisionshow, and in BusinessWeek's Small Biz magazine.