Suzanne Gosden

Human Factors Consultant
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)


Suzanne Gosden is a Human Factors Consultant, national speaker, and educational trainer for the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), an international information and referral service sponsored by the US Department of Labor's Office of Disability and Employment Policy. As a consultant, Suzanne handles both ADA and accommodation cases, specializing in providing accommodation ideas for individuals with cognitive and neurological impairments. Suzanne graduated from West Virginia University with Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Education. She holds teaching licenses in two states and is certified in learning disabilities, mental retardation, and behavioral/emotional disorders. Suzanne began her professional career as a Special Education teacher in Virginia and has long been an advocate for students with special needs. She teaches now for the Industrial and Labor Relations graduate program at West Virginia University. Currently, she designs disability awareness activities to educate the public, and enjoys finding new ways to promote disability etiquette in society.