Jamal Mazrui

Accessibility Clearinghouse, Federal Communications Commission


Jamal Mazrui works at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as Manager, Accessibility Clearinghouse. The FCC\'s Accessibility Clearinghouse is a Congressionally-mandated web repository of information about accessible communications products and services. It is mandated by the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA), which also requires the FCC to promote this resource to the public. He was formerly the Deputy Director of the Accessibility and Innovation Initiative. The Initiative, launched by the FCC Chairman in 2010, seeks to facilitate collaborative problem-solving among industry, consumer, and government stakeholders so that people with disabilities can reap the full benefit of broadband communication technologies. To achieve this goal, the Initiative uses techniques of open government such as challenge competitions, developer meet-ups, and shared data about accessible solutions.

Prior to joining the FCC, Jamal worked as a legislative analyst at the National Council on Disability, and before that, as a database administrator at the Kennedy School of Government. He graduated with a Bachelor\'s in operations research from Princeton University in 1986 and with a Master\'s in public policy from Harvard University in 1988. Information technology and public policy have been strong interests of his, professionally and personally.

Session History

07/29/2014 - Wireless Technology and 508